I haven't blogged in a while and I think it may be due to the weather this time of year. From Thanksgiving to the last of December is my favorite time of year to be outside. I deer hunted a little around Thanksgiving and have been trying to paint when not hunting.
The coolest thing I have found lately is this great big beaver lodge on Swan creek. In all my time wading streams and creeks and ponds and lakes, all the float hours I have spent on the river, I have never seen a beaver lodge. It looks like it might be about the size of a large Jacuzzi and I would love to be able to peek inside but am afraid I would be mauled by a family of 40lb. beavers and my bones would wind up as construction material in their lodge.
I like this time of year too. I hope you got a deer. Venison is good. Gun or bow?
Mighty fine paintings as usual! Did you sell any at Belle Meade? I sold one. Choice On Jefferson Street.
No sale at Belle Meade. I took three in and brought three out. Do you have any idea how they did as a whole? I couldn't tell if they had sold a lot or not.
As far as hunting, I am a gun hunter. I actually read books, drink coffee, might even nap a bit and if a deer walks by, fine, and if not that's fine too. My deer hunting is pretty slack. I think I use it as an excuse to be out there.
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