Alright. After hours and hours of deliberation I have finally decided to give teaching a whirl. I have been approached by a few people wanting to know when I would start and after talking with Lisa Fox, owner of Leiper's Creek Gallery this morning, I am making plans to teach from the gallery starting at some point in January after the holidays have worn off a bit. It is still very sketchy at this point but I am planning on teaching from the gallery on Tuesday and Thursday nights from , say, 6-9 in the evenings for 6 weeks. I had thought about a workshop outside but the weather this time of year is very unpredictable so we will save the workshop for better weather. And it will be an entirely landscape based class, how I paint landscapes and everything I know about it.
So, tell everyone you know and if you are interested or if anyone you know is interested, get in touch with me or Lisa Fox at Leiper's Creek Gallery and we will sign you up.
The images above are a few from last week. I am not sure how much posting I will get done this next week with the Brentwood Academy Show on Friday. Can't believe it's here.