This is one of those paintings you do when the clock is running and you have to be somewhere so you just jump out and paint very intuitively. Not a lot of over thinking everything.
I was in Bell Buckle last week and had about an hour and a half before I had to pick up my daughter. I knew of this farm because I had painted there before so I drove like a maniac to get there and jumped out and started slinging paint. The faster I painted the more I enjoyed it. I think sometimes I tend to get caught up in the details and can belabor some of the areas of my paintings when I should just mix the value and color, apply, and move on. I catch myself going back and screwing with areas I probably should have left alone.
Anyway, everytime I paint here the guy that owns the farm shows up and we catch up with each other. It's kind of funny because when he pulls up it's almost like seeing an old friend when in reality I have no idea who he is.