Monday, April 16, 2012

More Flowers

I recently posted that I typically don't do flowers. Thistles and the Creeping Buttercup being about the only two. Well I lied.  Here are a couple of rose paintings. The only two I can think of that I have done. They were actually done a few weeks back but my blog posting frequency has kept them on Facebook only.
Another reason I wanted to post was the fact I have a 3 day workshop at Leiper's Creek Gallery coming up in May, the 4th, 5th, 6th, and the contact info is under the "Events" section of this blog. Also wanted to announce a workshop in Apalachicola, Fl with the Plein Air Painters of the Southeast in September. It will be a good chance to get instruction from different artists over a weeks time. Again, the info is to the right under "Events".
The rose paintings above are hanging at 16 Patton Gallery in Asheville NC and Leiper's Creek Gallery in Leiper's Fork TN.


  1. Kevin, these are stunning. I love all the strokes and color values in these paintings. Do some more flowers! I was down that way a couple of weeks ago at my cousin's, on Jones Valley Road. I drove by the fields that were covered by those yellow flowers. They were amazing! It was a beautiful time to be down in Tennessee. I drove through Leiper's Creek, but must have blinked because I didn't see the gallery. I was on my way back to Ohio at the time. I was hoping to see some plain air of those yellow fields. Did you do any?
    Hope so!!

  2. Yes. Did a demo for a group Tuesday and the field was full of "creeping buttercup". Always looks good in a painting. Apparently its a weed though, because the farmers tend to cuss it around here.
    Can't believe you missed the gallery. Right in the middle of town. Next time through make sure you stop and say hi at the gallery.
    Thanks for stopping at my blog. Appreciate the comment.

  3. so glad these new dawn roses are mine now honor my mom and dad, who as returning g.i. in nixon n.j. planted the whole back yord and front yard with red roses.....symbol of love.
    back in the day, n.j., our fair garden state.
    we have the most fertilr soil. but alas, are neck and neck with r.i. for
    "most densely populated state"
    anyway....john j. sutton jr. and helen lorraine patricia cusick sutton will be honored forever with this beautiful rose pInting to pass on down thru the next stream of generations of suttons. THANK YOU!
