Sunday, January 1, 2012

Painting Posse

Got a group of girls here in Nashville that I try and paint with when I can. If you keep up with this post, you'll know them by name. Anne Blair Brown, Bitsy King and Cathleen Windham. Unfortunately we don't get together to paint enough, but when we do it's good.  And we got together today for the first time in awhile and added Tiffany Foss and Denise Hawkins to the mix. Anne suggested East Nasville due to it's urban chic, beautiful streetscapes and unique architecture so made an afternoon of it in some unbelievably windy conditions. I wound up painting a bit of architecture which is out of my norm which again is why I like painting with this group.
There are certain people in this industry that due to their nature and friendship you feel like a better artist because of it. Their work ethic, enthusiasm, commitment and outlook is infectious. It's positive "chi" as Anne would say. That is the posse for me. They are incredibly "gamey" and will go anywhere and paint anything. No whining. Oh, and the fact they can drink their weight in beer is another positive attribute.
Thanks girls for pushing and inspiring.


  1. Nice painting!! and post. I feel lucky to have been in the loop today!! I'd love to do that again! Maybe we can all hit the Harpeth someday..

  2. My weight in beer....scary thought. I've come to understand that beer and painting are one. And that painting on New Year's Day will now be a tradition!

  3. after this may 2012 workshop perhaps topper jeanne marilyn etc. will pass your "girl" sniff test! hahaha
    youw workshop was GREAT and fun!
    thanks for lending us your equip to shop smart!
    dinner under my arbor next monday for all classmates and teacher. be there or b2.
