Thursday, November 3, 2011

Colors On The Trace

For the past three days I have driven the Natchez Trace painting some of the color before it goes and I almost missed it. It looks like it may have peaked here in Tennessee. There are pockets of color and it seemed the pockets were on ridges. Not sure why but the area between Leiper's Fork and Nashville had the most color and it got even more pronounced on the higher ridges. Monday and Tuesday I painted alone and yesterday with Diane May, Roger Brown and Beverly Evans.
As I sit here and write this though, the wind is blowing and the rain is falling so I believe I got what I got in the nick of time. Looking forward to the colors of winter.


  1. i think you used the autumn colours very successfully, love the house

  2. Your paintings are striking!Wonderful!

  3. Kevin, I was in East Tennessee last week and there was still some very pretty color there. Love your Trace paintings! Also, I've been meaning to thank you for the workshop in Richmond. It was great and you are a very patient teacher!! So Thank You! I look forward to seeing some snow paintings from you soon!!
    Janet Paden

  4. Thanks everybody!
    Janet, it was good to meet you and finally make the Totty's Bend connection. Keep painting. It is a very organic process that if you paint enough it will all work itself out a bit. If there is anything I can do to help you, you know how to find me. Don't hesitate to call or e-mail.
