Friday, June 24, 2011

Painting Flowers

I usually don't paint flowers. I struggle with some of the color with my three color palette and the drawing and rendering can be a little complicated and delicate. When done right though they are of course gorgeous. I submit Richard Schmid and Dan Gerhartz right off the top of my head.
But I do have a couple I like to paint. And they are both weeds. Mention them here in Middle Tennessee and the farmers cringe. One is the Creeping Buttercup and the other is the Thistle. The thistle has about as much character to me as anything. They have a long Celtic history and are the national flower of Scotland and are prickly and tough and will grow anywhere with a little sun. And when they bloom they're beautiful . Beautiful, tenacious, delicate and full of character. Yikes, I just described my two daughters to a tee.


  1. This is stunning, Kevin. The sunlight and depth in this are amazing.

  2. Very nice work, Kevin. I like that you featured the wildflowers against the fields in the background. Your palette is wonderful, too.

  3. very very nice, Kevin.

    Frank - Italy.

  4. This one's going straight onto my desktop!! As so many time I have to say. Just awesome Kevin!


  5. Thanks for the comments everybody.
    Rene - I am flattered and honored to be on your desktop!

  6. I wonder how one would paint those. Now I know! Ditto what Claire said.

  7. This is amazing. Just want to sit and look at every part of it. Beautiful!! I have family that live on Jones Valley Road and when I was visiting them last April, they liked to drive through Leaper's Fork when going to Franklin. It is a beautiful area to be painting from or visiting.
