Thursday, May 5, 2011


A couple of paintings I will have at the Cumberland Society Show at Leiper's Creek Gallery starting the 14th of May. I am as excited about seeing the other artist's work as I am mine. I haven't seen but a few of the pieces they have done for the show and I remember when I would go to their shows before I was part of the group how motivational it was for me. That was how I learned. Just gleaned their paintings to death. So I think it will be a motivational experience for me. That and a couple of sales would be highly motivational.


  1. Hi Kevin!
    I like all but the first is the best!

  2. Great stuff Kevin! The second of the two is my favorite. The focal point is clear and has great contrast.

  3. I was so glad to find your blog. I love your paintings. They have a wonderful sense of atmosphere, so calming.
