Thursday, August 20, 2009


  1. I like the second and third ones best. That red barn looks good against the greens.

  2. I love them all!
    Sounds like you had an awesome trip. We went to Maine this summer. I felt the same way when we returned— I was ready to move there.

  3. Hi Kevin,

    Love, love, love those boats!!! Well done!

  4. Thanks Keith. By the way, I noticed on your blog where you mixed on the Tupperware lid for a palette. I forgot my stuff once and just turned around and went home. You Scots are a bit more creative.

    Carol! Can't believe you went to Maine...and CAME BACK! Next time move up there and by a big house with a small guest house just perfect for traveling artists.

    Wendling, how ya' been? Thanks for the comments. Are you getting ready for those big fat yankee snows yet?

  5. the proof that these are indeed plein air is the big chunk of outdoors on the bottom right of the marsh boat one!
    great work dude, these rock!

  6. Mike- If you think that's bad, I did one on the coast one evening and it was so full of bugs I had to scrape it. It was black with whatever they were.
