Tuesday, June 9, 2009


If you like painting roundbales, now's the time. They are on the ground everywhere. Lately though they have started wrapping the roundbales in this plastic wrap of some kind that makes them look like shiney plastic fake ones. It's getting harder to find the big shaggy ones that are so much more fun to paint.
Painted in Watervalley off Hwy. 7 this afternoon. I saw this field getting raked Saturday afternoon and made a mental note that it should be rolled by Tuesday. Bingo.

1 comment:

  1. Go get them Kevin!!

    Here they wrap them immediately in plastic, too much rain chance I guess. They are muted green so they aren't interfering so much with the landscape, they used yellow and acid green in the earlier days those where just awful.

    Love the paintings and postings, btw.
