Tuesday, April 28, 2009
That Time of the Year
First off I want to say the Chestnut Group artshow for The Friends of Radnor Lake was a success due to the people who volunteered on behalf of the Chestnuts and the Friends of Radnor. Thanks to all who worked to make it happen. While I was there on Saturday I went out to the park to paint and a family came up with a young 2 year old girl named Lucy. Lucy was mesmerized by the fact that I was standing there making a painting. She got wide eyed. So, I gave Lucy my brush and Lucy scooped up a little blue from my palette and applied it to the sky as well as any artist I have watched. Thanks, Lucy, for your help. It made the painting (the middle painting above) perfect.
I also want to mention some wet paint carriers I am using now. They are called Panel Roos and they are made by a friend of mine named Jason Jackson. These are great for carrying wet panels. They are extremely light, very flat and portable and durable. You can put two panels in face to face and then swing a metal arm down to hold them in place. If your interested send me an e-mail and I will hook you up. I have one in my photo of the cutbank above.
Also, this weekend is the Harding Artshow. It is a fundraiser that Harding Academy has each year and it has a tremendous amount of art and artists participating. This will be the 5th year I have participated and will carry around 30-40 paintings with me. That and the fact my computer has gone haywire is the reason for my lack of blogging. The show is at Harding Academy and they are at the intersection of Harding Road and Winsor Drive. The show is Thursday night, Friday all day and Saturday until 3:00. You can also find info on the show at artshow.Harding Academy.org Come by and say hi!
Kevin... love the piece in the holder, and the four below in the previous post. Good luck with the show.
Thanks but I can't believe you have time to check blogs painting 4 paintings a day. I have been checking them every night before bed and they have been incredible. I have enjoyed it sooo much I think you should do it again next month.