Sunday, October 28, 2007

Belle Meade Show

I will be participating in The Chestnut Group's "Belle Meade Small Works Show" from December 6th through the entire month of December. All pieces must be of Belle Meade, no larger than 8x10 and must be executed en plein air. They will hang in the Plantation Giftshop which will be a great place to Christmas shop.


  1. Hello Kevin from the wilds of fashionable LaVergne. Your art is looking mighty fine and the web site looks great. Loads fast and easy to navigate.

  2. You're my first blog comment. I just got started and this hi-tech stuff keeps me guessing. How are things in LaVergne? I just saw one of your paintings at Radnor. I didn't know you were a Chestnut. The next time they have a show and you want to paint give me a call and I'll meet you.
    Thanks for blogging.
    Stay in touch,

  3. Kevin!

    I just took a look at your website... it looks GREAT and you have some really nice paintings!

    Welcome to the wild world of blogging! :0)

  4. Kevin,

    You have done a great job in designing your web site. Enjoyed viewing your paintings.

    All the Best,
    Tommy Thompson

  5. Post more on your blog Mr Menck! Sketches! Don't slack on me. Nice paintings at the Belle Meade show. I passed through Shebville a couple weeks ago. Some nice old buildings downtown.
    Work hard or I am going to send you know who after you...Rhymes with bet..
