Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Harding Show
Once again it is time for the Harding Academy Art Show. It will be Thursday from 6-9, Friday from 10-9 and Saturday from 10 - 3 so come by and say "hi." Also, the Chestnut Group is having their show in Columbia this weekend right off the square on 7th Street. It will be a great weekend for a little art shopping. Christmas is only 8 months away!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Leiper's Fork
I have to say you never know what to expect when you're in Leiper's Fork.
The class I teach has started meeting outside for a little true plein air work and last Thursday night as we painted, two guys roll out a hot air balloon, heat it up and blast off. All in about 30 minutes. I had no idea you could get one in the air from the bed of a truck in that little time.
There is a very eclectic group of people with varied pasts and interests that reside in the Leiper's fork area. Some of the best musicians and guitar players that have ever played with resumes you wouldn't believe. Celebrities like Faith and Tim, Steve Winwood, Keith and Nicole, (I sat at a table next to them at a Starbucks recently and yes, she is that gorgeous in real life even at seven in the morning. She looks like she is from a galaxy of incredibly beautiful people and she doesn't belong here with the rest of us.) Bo Bice (sorry, I don't watch American Idol so I said "who?") played in town a few weeks ago on a Thursday night and last week as we were watching a balloon take off there was a rumor Robert Plant was at Puckett's. Granted, I got it second hand, but it's Leiper's Fork. Nothing surprises me about that little town.
So if you get the chance, swing through Leiper's Fork. I am sure something there will catch you off guard. And if you see Nicole, tell her I said "hi".
Monday, April 12, 2010
I finally found a little time to turkey hunt Saturday morning and actually filled a tag. It was a small turkey but a turkey none the less. Hunting has slowly taken a back seat to everything else I am trying to get done in my life right now especially raising busy kids and painting. I was not aware of how much time, energy and attention painting would require and consume. Nobody warned me. Before I knew it, it had me. Even when I hunt, the painting wheels are turning in my head. "Look how close those values are." "How would I get that color?" "Man I wish I were set up right now." And on and on. I posted the photo of my hunting compadre because if you will notice the sun was rising and casting light on the ridge to the left in unbelievable colors with the fog hanging along the Duck River in the background. I almost threw my gun down and ran screaming back to the truck for my painting gear. The only thing that stopped me was as I was taking this photo, two of the largest turkeys I have heard in awhile were gobbling their heads off about 50 yrds. to the right just over the crest of the hill we are on. I wanted the turkeys to wait until I had finished watching this sun-up or for the sun-up to hang on just a minute until I had dispatched one of these turkeys. Of course neither happened because when you are out there you are just a spectator on Mother Nature's time. You can't stop it or slow it down. Just feel incredibly fortunate for the experience.
The paintings are a couple from the week and the tree line with the chert rock road is from class last Thursday. We got out and did a little plein air painting there in Leiper's Fork and I have to say I was quite proud of the class. It was windy and about 50-55 degrees and they all hung in there and had some real nice paintings for their effort.
Friday, April 2, 2010
I spent most of the week painting in the Leiper's Fork area and Thursday morning had the opportunity to paint with Leiper's Creek Gallery owner Lisa Fox. She doesn't get the chance to paint as much as she used to due to the time that the gallery takes so it was good to see her out. I also picked up my first sunburn and tick of the season.